The project aimed to determine the human resource and institutional capacity of LAD to meet the existing demands for its services and to identify the resource and institutional capacities that will need to be addressed in order for LAD to expand services nationwide: currently the services are only offered in Harare and Bulawayo. Of specific interest was the capacity of LAD to provide services to children. The capacity assessment intended to provide the basis for a strategic plan that was to specify and cost actions needed to both to expand the services and to enable a more structured focus on developing and advancing related policy/reforms within the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and/or LAD. The capacity assessment s objective was to produce; Concrete recommendations on strengthening on strengthening internal capacity (skills-sets, resourcing levels), operational and institutional arrangements to improve service delivery, efficiency and effectiveness , and A strategic plan that was to specify and cost the actions needed to respond to the recommendations and findings of capacity assessment. This strategic plan will also identify and set out the additional structural and institutional reforms which were required to enable more structured focus on developing policy through LAD. Jimat undertook the following tasks; Liaised and coordinated with contacts in LAD and UNICEF directly and through the National Law Expert on the list of stakeholders who were to be met during the main field mission in Harare and Bulawayo Supported local communication between OPM and LAD/MJLPA and UNICEF staff regarding timetable revisions during field mission Offered the National Legal Expert with office space, stationery, Supported travel and logistical arrangements for the National Law Expert including airport transfer and accommodation Assisted in the distribution of both the draft final versions of the report to LAD and other stakeholders