Name: Mid Term Evaluation of the First Phase of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in South Africa Year: 2008 Client: National Treasury Country: South Africa Background: The Paris Declaration in South Africa was intended to increase the impact of aid in reducing poverty and inequality, increasing growth, building capacity and accelerating
Name: Mid Term Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness Year: 2008 Client: Austria Development Agency Country: Uganda Background: On the 2nd March 2005, over one hundred Heads of Ministers and Head of Agencies and institutions managing and receiving development aid endorsed the Paris Declaration. The Paris Declaration is an international agreement to which countries committed
Name: Review of the Results Based Performance Measurement Framework of ACBF Strategic Medium Term Plan Year: 2008 Client: ACBF Country: Zimbabwe Background: Building Foundation (ACBF) was increasingly faced with the challenge to demonstrate accountability, transparency and results to stakeholders. To address the requirements of this challenge, the ACBF recognized results-based performance monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
The Health Results Innovation Trust Fund was started in 2008 at the World Bank. The objective of the HRITF is to design and implement sustainable Results Based Financing (RBF) pilot programmes that cost-effectively improve maternal and child health outcomes (i.e. MDGs 4&5). Zimbabwe was at the time implementing a US$15 million HRBF in 18 rural