Catholic Relief Services Malawi (CRS) contracted Jimat as an independent evaluator for a Gendered Food Systems Landscape Analysis. In this study, the team conceptualized gender as an important lever for progress across all aspects of the food systems. The main objective of this assignment was to analyse the food systems landscape in Malawi The team
The purpose of the Gender Training Programme is to strengthen the analytic, programme and policy skills of the MOG and other Ministry personnel in order to contribute to the national development priority of advancing gender equality and womens empowerment in Zambia. Building on the training provided in the Introduction to Gender Equality Programming and Policy
Name: Women and Land Rights Project End of Term Evaluation Year: 2011 Client: Action Aid Zimbabwe Country: Zimbabwe Background: Action Aid Zimbabwe conducted a baseline study on empowering women through land rights in 2009. The results of the baseline study indicated that women had limited access, ownership and control over land and other enabling resources
Name: Evaluation of the Women Accessing Realigned Markets (WARM) Project Year: 2012 Client: FANRPAN Country: Malawi; Mozambique Background: Women Accessing Realigned Markets (WARM) was a three-year pilot project to help rural women farmers influence agricultural policy development in Southern Africa. The project sought to strengthen women farmers’ ability to advocate for appropriate agricultural policies and
Name: Evaluation of the Implementation of Legislation Policy and Programmes on Gender Based Violence by the National Prosecuting Authority SOCA Unit Year: 2011- 2012 Client: UNICEF SA Country: South Africa Background: Violence against women has been one of the most prominent features of post-apartheid South Africa. While estimates of the extent of violence vary, the
Name: A Situational Analysis on the Gender Gaps in the Agricultural Sector Year: 2007 Client: Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network (ZWRCN) Country: Zimbabwe Background: Women are major contributors to the economy, both through the remunerative work on farms and through unpaid work they traditionally render at home and in the community. Yet in many