Name: | Lesson Learning Research for the Strengthening Social Cash Transfer Project Through Linking and Learning |
Year: | 2012 |
Client: | STOP AIDS NOW! |
Country: | Malawi |
Background: | The Government of Malawi with support from its development partners initiated the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) in 2006. Due to success of the pilot scheme in Mchinji the SCTP has since been expanded to 7 districts and reaches over 26,000 ultra-poor and labour-constrained households and approximately 103,000 individuals. The project ‘Strengthening Social Cash Transfer Programme through Linking and Learning” (SSCTP) was implemented in the districts of Chitipa (January 2010 – December 2010) and Mangochi (January 2011 – December 2011) by four Malawian Organizations namely, Network of Organizations for Vulnerable and Orphaned Children (NOVOC), Institute for Policy Research and Social Empowerment (IPRSE), Centre for Youth and Children Affairs (CEYCA) and Youth-net and Counseling (YONECO) in conjunction with the Malawi Government. The overarching objective of this project was to mitigate the economic and psychosocial impact of HIV and AIDS related illness and death on OVC and their caretakers through strengthening the Social Cash Transfer programme targeted at labour constrained households and implemented by the Government of Malawi. The project aimed at achieving the following intermediate objectives were to: (1) improve the management and implementation capacity of the two districts to deliver social cash transfers; (2) improve national, district and community level commitment and support for the implementation of the Social Protection Policy and Social Cash Transfer Scheme; and (3) improve the linkages between SCTP beneficiaries and other social services. |
Objectives: | The overall objective of this study was to assess the progress attained in meeting the project goal and objectives in line with the activities implemented in both Chitipa and Mangochi districts. Specifically the evaluation sought to:
Activities: | Activities for this project included: (1) Focus group discussions with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of cash transfers, and community social protection committees; (2) key informant interviews with district staff, extension staff, community leaders and CSOs in Mangochi and Chitipa districts; and (3) data analysis and report writing. |
Special Recognition: | |
Publications: | www.stopaidsnow.org/document/4631 |