Name: | 10th European Development Fund Identification Study for Agriculture and Food Security Sector |
Year: | 2009 |
Client: | EC |
Country: | Malawi |
Background: | For the 10th European Development Fund, the Government of Malawi and the European Union agreed on General Budget Support as a priority area of support together with two focal areas: (a) Agriculture and Food Security; and (b) Regional Integration with a focus on Road Infrastructure. Out of the initial resource envelop of €451 million made available to the 10th EDF Country Strategy Paper for Malawi, € 125 million had been earmarked to the agriculture and food security focal area whose components and initial allocations were: (1) Diversification and Natural Resources (€ 30 million); (2) Community Based Activities and Small Scale Irrigation Programme (COBASSIP) (€80 million); and (3) Capacity Building Programme (CBP) (€15 million). |
Objectives: | The Identification (Feasibility) Study sought to address two specific objectives:- to summarize interventions funded by the 9th EDF and EC thematic budget lines addressing agriculture and food security, highlighting what has worked and what did not; and- to identify interventions to be funded under both COBASSIP and CBP. |
Activities: | JIMAT in partnership with Agrisystems (UK) carried out a feasibility study on the 10th EDF Agriculture and Food Security Programme valued Euro 95 million. The global objective was to assist the GoM and the EC in the identification of two components under the 10th EDF in order to ensure that funds are invested in the most beneficial and coherent manner for Malawi, in line with the Paris Declaration principles and EU division of labour and activities of other stakeholders in the agriculture and food security sector. These are: (i) €80 million Community Based Activities and Small Scale Irrigation Programme (COBASSIP); and (ii) €15 million Institutional Capacity Building Programme (CBP). |