The goal of the project was to contribute to the reduction of teenage fertility through increased FP uptake and delaying sexual debut. Other intended results are reduced incidence of STIs among young people and increase uptake of ASRH Services such as HTC, VMMC, STI diagnosis and treatment, as well as uptake of GBV services. The evaluation covered the period 2010 to 2014. The broad objective of the evaluation was to review and assess the cost-effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and sustainability of UNFPA supported interventions. The study conducted the following key activities; 1. Study protocols including desk review of existing literature of ASRH interventions; 2. Relevant ethical clearances; 3. Inception report; 4. Data collection tools and detailed sampling frame; 5. Documentation of all field work carried out including list of interview partners, transcripts and coding for all interviews, focus group discussion and other methods used; 6. Draft reports for the study; and 7. Final report for the study incorporating comprehensive recommendations with clear theory of change outline.