The goal of the project was to contribute to the reduction of teenage fertility through increased FP uptake and delaying sexual debut. Other intended results are reduced incidence of STIs among young people and increase uptake of ASRH Services such as HTC, VMMC, STI diagnosis and treatment, as well as uptake of GBV services. The
DAPP in partnership with TB Alert received funding from UKAID to implement a three year (2015-2018) TC TB/HIV project titled Reducing HIV and TB Burden by addressing stigma and improving awareness, diagnosis and treatment services amongst rural communities in two districts of Manicaland Province in Zimbabwe. DAPP Zimbabwe and TB Alert worked in the two
Name: Plan Malawi Evaluation of the Malaria Project Year: 2008 Client: Plan Country: Malawi Background: Malawi fully implemented the global strategy of ‘Roll Back Malaria’, which is aimed at reducing the burden of malaria by half in 2010. The major goal included, meeting targets for prompt treatment, ensuring proper chemoprophylaxis for pregnant women and increase